Introduction to AkoCell
It gives me great pleasure to announce that SCP Building Materials Trading have been chosen to represent AkoCell in the region. AkoCell specialises in the application of acoustic spray in office environments, education, healthcare, the music industry and hospitality sector. The unique, certified product line of AkoCell provides a wide range of possibilities in terms of thickness, texture and colour of acoustic spray. All variants in the Ako-line have excellent sound-absorbing properties, reduce reverberation, are energy-saving, fire-resistant, environmentally friendly produced and suitable for any surface. Moreover, the AkoCell spray technique also allows for quick and efficient application. AkoCell's growth is inherently based on customers who can rely on AkoCell for tailor-made solutions and outstanding quality. Jointly AkoCell and SCP will be targeting our client bases and consultants to consider AkoCell on existing and future projects
Please take some time to review the website and videos below to give you an idea of the ease of application.
Akocell Website;
Having completed the market research AkoCell is commercially viable and aesthetically pleasing whilst easy to install and compliant to fire tests. We have generated a lot of interest and are in discussions with 3 applicators already looking to complete projects here in the UAE.
I hope this is of interest to you and look forward to hearing from you.
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