What is the Triangle of Life?

The Triangle of Life is a controversial concept that has gained attention in recent years as a potential way to survive earthquakes. It was first proposed by Doug Copp, a rescue worker who survived the 1985 Mexico City earthquake. In this post, we will discuss what the Triangle of Life is and what Doug Copp found about what to search for in case of earthquakes to save your life inside the triangle of life.

What is the Triangle of Life?
The Triangle of Life is a term coined by Doug Copp to describe a survival strategy during earthquakes. The concept is based on the idea that in a collapsed building, the safest place to be is not necessarily under a sturdy table or desk as traditionally believed. Instead, Copp argues that the best way to survive is to seek shelter in the space next to a large object or furniture that could potentially create a void, such as a sofa or bed.
According to Copp, the space next to these objects is called the "Triangle of Life." In the event of a collapse, the object will create a triangular space next to it, providing protection from falling debris. Copp argues that this space is much larger than the space under a desk, and therefore offers a greater chance of survival.

As chief of the American Rescue Team International for the past 16 years, Doug Copp had been circling the globe, offering his services in disaster zones from from El Salvador to Turkey.

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What did Doug Copp find about what to search for in case of earthquakes?

Doug Copp spent years researching earthquake safety and rescue strategies. He found that the traditional advice of "drop, cover, and hold on" was not always the best course of action. Instead, he recommends the following steps to increase your chances of survival:

  1. Drop to the ground and cover your head with your hands.
  2. If possible, crawl to the Triangle of Life next to a large object or furniture.
  3. Stay alert and be prepared to move if necessary.

Copp also emphasizes the importance of being prepared for earthquakes by having an emergency kit, knowing how to turn off utilities, and having a plan in place for communicating with loved ones.

However, it is important to note that not everyone agrees with Copp's theory. Some experts argue that seeking shelter in the Triangle of Life could actually increase your risk of injury, as the furniture or object next to you could shift or collapse, trapping you. Others argue that seeking shelter under a sturdy desk or table is still the safest course of action.

The Triangle of Life is a controversial concept that has gained attention in recent years as a potential way to survive earthquakes. While some experts disagree with this theory, others believe that seeking shelter in the space next to a large object or furniture could increase your chances of survival. It is important to be prepared for earthquakes by having an emergency kit, knowing how to turn off utilities, and having a plan in place for communicating with loved ones.
